Thursday, February 18, 2010

New Milestone

Okay, so I don't know if you'd call it a "milestone", but today was a big day. My daughter, Kaylee, got her ears pierced. She's told me for over a year that she had planned to get her ears pierced when she turned 5. The past month or so she had a change of heart and decided that the optimal time was to do it at the ripe age of 4. So I nervously took her to the mall (gasp) to get her ears pierced. Now I'm normally a really laid back kind of mom, but today I was "that" mom. After badgering the poor lady at the store with a serious of questions and carefully monitoring where the placement of the holes were to go, I held onto Kaylee tightly and braced myself. Everything went smoothly of course and before I knew it Kaylee was donning her new pink gemstone earrings.

I can't help but get a little emotional. My baby is not such a baby anymore. She's growing up so fast. She seems so mature and wise beyond her years. Just the changes in the past two weeks have been incredible. Who new 4 was the new 30?


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Tina said...

Ahhh so exciting! Can't wait to see her tomorrow. I've been wanting to get Quinn's done, maybe seeing Kaylee's will get her interested in it...

Anonymous said...

Love it!!!!! you go mama (and Kaylee!)